Brian Gregory
The Professor as a Writer
About the Professor
Professor Gregory received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. He currently works as an assistant professor of biology at Penn and does research on mechanisms and regulation of RNA silencing pathways.
Personal Writing Process
As with most who publish in peer-reviewed journals, the final stage of Dr. Gregory’s writing process involves extensive peer review and revision. This begins with a journal editor who reviews the paper, and then sends it to three other members of the field who decide whether the piece should be accepted for publication. Those peers and the editor may demand certain changes to the work before they regard it as acceptable for publication. These "refereed" publications give the author’s work strong credibility.
Favorite Author
Dr. Gregory’s favorite author is Ann Hochschild, who was the first woman given tenure in the Microbiology Department at Harvard Medical School. He notes that Hochschild majored in English as an undergraduate.
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