Penn Professors on Writing in Economics
Professor Judd Kessler
About the Professor
Professor Judd B. Kessler received a B.A. in Economics from Harvard University in 2004, an M.Phil. in Economics from Cambridge University in 2005, and his Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University in 2011. In his research, Dr. Kessler uses a combination of laboratory and field experiments to investigate the economic and psychological forces that motivate individuals to contribute to public goods. As he describes his work, "I study how to provide for the public good without having to tax people, and how to get people to provide public goods privately."
Dr. Kessler's Faculty Page
Writing Process
Considering himself "a better editor than writer," Dr. Kessler quickly produces a first draft, spending more time molding what he’s written. "I’ve gotten more efficient over time using early stage outlining," he says, "so I know in advance what I will be saying, but even these outlines go through editing."
Exemplary Writers in Economics
According to Dr. Kessler, "It’s hart to separate quality writing from quality research." He identifies John Nash and Hal Varian, who writes clever, conversational pieces that help young economists do economics, as two exemplary writers.
Back to Writing in the DisciplineOther Professors in Economics:
Professor Jere Behrman
Professor George Mailath
Professor Petra Todd
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