Penn Professors on Writing in Management
Dr. Anne Greenhalgh
About the Professor
Professor Greenhalgh is the head professor of Management 100 and Director of the Wharton Undergraduate Leadership Program. She was voted the Best Lecturer in the Social Sciences by the entire student body at the University of Pennsylvania in 2005. She has also won the William G. Whitney Teaching Award for Associated Faculty on so many occasions that a former Vice Dean of the Undergraduate Division once remarked that the only time she does not win is when she is not eligible.
For more informaiton about Dr. Greenhalgh, please visit her Wharton Faculty Page.
Personal Writing Process
Similar to Professor Guillen, Professor Greenhalgh does not necessarily start her writing from the beginning of a paper, but may actually work her way from the middle. She "used to start at beginning, but it is sometimes better to start with what you know, which may be in the middle."
In terms of logistics, Professor Greenhalgh tries to write whenever she has spare time: “I write whenever I can. It is also very seasonal. When I am teaching, I cannot write that much. Normally, I do a lot of writing in the evening or on the weekends.”
Important Criteria for Student Writing
Dr. Greenhalgh believes the most important aspects of a student paper fall under five overarching categories: critical thinking, structure, evidence, audience, and control of language. These categories are actually what she uses to grade a student paper.
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