Mechthild Pohlschroder
The Professor as a Writer
About the Professor
Dr. Pohlschroder received her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is currently an associate professor at Penn and does research on protein translocation across hydrophobic membranes and their substrates.
Personal Writing Process
Dr. Pohlschroder takes a minimum of three weeks to write an article. She approaches her writing as if she is talking to someone about the experiment. She begins with an abstract to help her figure out the main idea and to test whether she might be missing anything. Then she constructs the introduction to put the article in perspective. She writes the materials and methods section during the course of the experiments, and afterward writes the results and discussion sections. Her revision process involves careful analysis and editing, but also includes an evaluation and continued refining of her interpretations of the data. She writes a complete draft before she begins the revision process, and thereafter will put her work through many revisions and peer reviews before she submits it.
- Research and Magazine Articles
- Grant Proposals
- Book Chapters
- Review Articles
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