Penn Professors on Writing in Information Strategy and Economics:
Professor Lorin Hitt
Professor Lorin Hitt is a Professor of Operations and Information Management and his research focuses on the relationship between information technology and productivity and the factors that affect the value of IT investments. To see more about Professor Hitt, please visit his Wharton Faculty Page.
Important Writing Criteria
When evaluating students' writing, the criteria Prof. Hitt cares about most are, respectively (from most to least important): following the assignment instructions, reasoning and evidence, demonstrating mastery of others' ideas, having original ideas, style, grammar and mechanics, proper formatting, and following the discipline's citation criterion.
Writing Process
Greatest Writers in the Field
Prof. Hitt believes that the greatest writers in information strategy and economics are: Erik Brynjolfsson (MIT), Chris Dellarocas (Maryland), Haim Mendelson (Stanford), and Eric Clemons (Wharton).
What Prof. Hitt Writes
Prof. Hitt primarily writes journal articles in top-tier economic and organizational journals, as well as technical reports (to be converted into journal reports later).
Additional Resources
For writing business plans, Prof. Hit reccomends his students consult "Business Plans that Win $$$" (Rich and Gumpert, 1987).