Penn Professors on Writing in Ancient History
Professor Jeremy McIerney
About the Professor
Professor Jeremy McInerney is the Davidson Kennedy Professor in the College and serves as a chair of the Classical Studies Department. He also is a faculty member in the graduate group in ancient history. Professor McInerney focuses primarily on the classical Greco-Roman Civilizations. He has been a professor for over two decades in courses ranging from Ancient Greece to Cultural Constructions of East and West. Professor McInerney takes particular interest in Greek social and political history.
Faculty Professor Page: Jeremy McIerney
Personal Writing Process
Professor McInerney looks to write about whatever he finds "interesting or odd, topics that haven't already been endlessly discussed or debated." He values the same originality and eye for specificity from his students.
What he writes
Among Professor McInerney's many works include an article titled "Ethnos and Ethnicity in Ancient Greece," an examination of the Greek Alexander Romance, and an interpretation of Cows and Culture in Ancient Greece.
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